Mindworkout Educational videos at Swisslog
The educational program of 5 videos provides all leaders and employees in-depth knowledge of the brain, stress, performance. The purpose of these training modules is to strengthen a sustainable people culture, and to create really good conditions for all employees to be equipped to handle and thus enjoy an intense and changing everyday life, and at the same time reaching wellbeing and a sustainable performance. The videos will be released one by one between 2022 October and 2023 April.
1.The brain, stress, wellbeing and performance
You will learn about what happens in the body and brain during stress and how to create a healthy stress curve. You will also learn how to use the status check by being aware of the intensity curve during the day. Exercise 1
2. Mental tools for mental fitness
Learn about mental training, why, how and the effects according to neuroscience. Tools for self-awareness, mindful break, self-leadership in everyday life. Create a goal plan for your mental training.
3. Working in a brainsmart way
You will get to know more about the conditions that offer our smarter parts of the brain to work at it's best. You will learn how to work energy-smart and take advantage of the brain's capacity.
4. self-compassion
You will get to know more about the brain and it's self-talk. How self-compassion makes us strong in adversity. Learn about dopamine, oxytocin and cortisol in our three different motivational systems.
5. Thoughts & mindset
The session mention how our interpretation of situations affects how we feel, how we act and what result we get. How can you use mental training to dare to take on challenges and to achieve your goals.
5. Mindworkout session A mindful coffee 5 minutes
Guided mental workout in meditative form with coaching elements to influence your thoughts and mindset. Recovery & mental fitness.
5. mindworkout session A mindful coffee 5 minutes
Guided mental workout in a meditative format including coaching questions to impact your thoughts and mindset. Recovery & mental fitness.