Take care of your brain


Read about some of our customers' experience with Mindworkout.

A mental gym

We are Sweden's first mental gym with sessions based on neuroscience. We train everything from focus, sleep and stress management to memory and mindfulness. We at Mindworkout are convinced that a mental gym should be as natural as a physical gym and we would like to prove it to you. Click here If you're a wise employer who wants to create sustainable employees.


Through our services you get selected live sessions and pre-recorded sessions with mental training. Booking are done smoothly with our app.


We have gathered some of Sweden's leading specialists who use well-established techniques from CBT, CFT, coaching, mindfulness and sports psychology.


Mindworkout is not aimed at a particular target group - in our range there is something for everyone. With our flexibility, you get effective and measurable results in a short time.

For wise employers and smart employees

Our classes helps the brain to function optimally in modern working life. Be a wise employer and create sustainable employees and well-functioning organizations.

A gym for the brain

We get a 5 out of 6 overall rating from our users and are told daily that we help people in their everyday lives. Increased focus, sustainable performance, effective recovery, reduced stress and tools to achieve their goals are some of the effects.

Source: 1,000 participants' answers in Mindworkout's ongoing measurements via Google survey and scientific studies.

My resting heart rate, which for various reasons had been high all day (and weekend) dropped by 15 strokes after the mindworkout session and stayed there and is still low, where it should be. Absolutely amazing! Thanks!

It gives a lot of energy with these 30 minutes, you have it all over again afterwards, that's how it feels.

It has become easier to prioritise and take one thing at a time.

Employers who have chosen Mindworkout and helped their employees become brain-strong

Positions of trust


In cooperation with Länsförsäkringar Göteborg Bohuslän, teachers in schools and leaders in sports clubs receive training in Mental Training and Compassion. Read more here and apply for a free place.


Mind Konferens is a complete concept designed and delivered by Mindworkout in a unique collaboration with Arken Hotel &Art Garden Spa. Read more here.


Reitan Convenience launches its biggest venture of all time, PBX - the kiosk of the future! At the kiosk you can, among other things, get Mindworkout's pass "Mindful Coffee" for the coffee. Read more here.