Mental fitness program
3 months 

Take care of your brain with mental training methods from elite sports, positive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Create a mental training routine and bring valuable recovery into your daily life through positive energy and increased focus. Learn mental tools for sustainable performance, stress management, well-being and self-leadership. Max 20 participants per group. Read about the schedule, content and effects in the button above.


- Four inspiring training workshops with the theory of mental training and group discussions. We learn about mental training techniques such as focus, self-compassion, stress management and mindfulness. 60-90 minutes LIVE via zoom and recorded.

-Mindworkout sessions guided LIVE via zoom every week. Join the group training session on your own from an undisturbed location of your choice. 1 session per week, 30 min. Each week we train a new mental tool in the Mindworkout session such as Compassionate friend Self compassion, Mental fitness SOAS, Energizing recovery, Conscious breathing technique, Stress management with permissions, Better sleep more energy, Self compassion and inner critic, Effective stress management, Goal difference and Positive focus. You also have access to the rest of the live sessions in the schedule each week.

- Brain smart break - Recorded mini versions of different Mindworkout sessions and includes different tools. At least 10 minutes of training every week at your convenience. Easily accessible via our app.



Ordinary price 6 500 SEK incl. VAT and 5 200 excl.

Are you an employer and want to buy a program? Feel free to contact us below.


In 2023, Trollhättan City has had many successful mental training programs with a fantastic average rating of over 5.5 out of 6, wow! Then you don't want to stop, do you? Then it is fortunate that there are enthusiasts!

I have the tools now to deal with the stress.

Extra lovely in the morning on the days that I know I have booked in Mindworkout.
