Compassion education with mental training

To work with yourself as a tool in staff-intensive roles is often demanding. In order to cope and last in the long term, it is then crucial that we know how to take care of ourselves. Mental Training and Compassion are practical tools for taking care of yourself in your work and meeting people in a way that makes work less stressful. And makes it easier to do professional work. Through compassion training you build resilience to face challenges and problems.

Compassionate colleagues and leaders contribute to psychological safety in team, which is a crucial factor for highly effective teams. We build a healthy and attractive work culture together, where people feel good and want to develop.



The training includes mental training techniques and exercises from compassion-focused therapy (CFT), mindfulness-based self-awareness and a strong focus on practical training. Theory is interspersed with practical training and group reflection. 

Length 12 months:

-Education 8 half-day live webinars/physical on-site, respective videos.
-Mental training sessions 30 min/week, live via zoom
-Energy training 2-6 times/week with pre-recorded exercises.



Scientific studies show many beneficial effects of mental training such as mindfulness and compassion.
Reduced stress
More positive emotions
Increased focus and concentration
Increased emotional control and resilience.
Stronger immune system

Positive effects on interpersonal relationships
Friendliness in the workplace leads to highly effective teams
Increased employee satisfaction

Immediate effects
10 min Mindworkout sessions provide an average 25% increase in well-being.
A short deep relaxation increases productivity in the afternoon.

Elin Borg and Caroline Spännar


Recurring workouts – good for the reminder of what mental tools you can use yourself in everyday life.

It gives a lot of energy with these 30 minutes, you have it all over again afterwards, that's how it feels.
