Autumn is now here, with wonderfully vibrant colours and scents! We at Mindworkout love the walks in autumn. The nice feeling when you walk on soft pine mats and leaves and feel your body breathing in the high crisp air! Nature is always here for us, a place without boundaries and where time is only measured in the passage of the sun across the sky.

Research shows that the more people spend time in green spaces, the less likely they are to suffer from stress-related ill health. Being in nature reduces stress levels and stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline, and it also reduces the risk of depression and cardiovascular disease. Studies also show that a walk in nature can increase feelings of happiness and curiosity relatively quickly.

(Bowler, et al. 2010; McMahan & Estes, 2015; Capaldi et al. 2015; van den Berg et al. 2015; Egorov et al. 2016; Lee et al. 2017; van den Bosch & Ode Sang, 2017; Hansen et al. 2017; Oh et al. 2017; Putra et al. 2018; Payne & Delphinus, 2018; Vujcic et al. 2019).


MindWalk = Walk + Mental Training

By the way, did you know that you can exercise mentally when you go for a walk? Well, with a guided MindWalk it's all good! These are Mindworkout sessions specifically designed for walking. It's a perfect way to let go of other thoughts to focus on the walk and enjoy the beautiful autumn.

Did you get the urge to try a MindWalk? Download the session here.

Put on your walking shoes and a MindWalk in your headphones!


Swedish Environmental Protection Agency report

We are pleased to see the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's report " The value of urban greenery for human health and well-being ", which highlights the importance of planning cities based on this research. Here you can read The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency report.

Warm greetings

Caroline Spännar and Maria Skutberg

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